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Web Design

Website Starter Package-10-20 pages of graphics and text (to be supplied) complete with page layout, thumbnails, links and posting. Does not include registering domain name, logos, banner ads, or original artwork. ______$600.00

Website Redesign-Give your site a brand new look with up to 20 pages of color,text, photo, and layout changes that compliment each other and set the tone for your site. ________$400.00

Website Starter Page-Get started with a single frontpage (home page) posted on your free or paid site. Additional pages (layout and posting) avaiable at $30/page or sign up for our Site Management. ________________$150.00

Banner Ads- Original Ad box complete with artwork and links for use on your site or others ________ $200.00

Logos-Original design or redesign from existing logo or sketches. Includes several sizes and formats (does not include copyright registration). ___________$200.00

Layout and Editing-Add Graphics and Text to your site by the page. (material to be supplied) no minimum, includes posting and links, each page____________ $30.00

Site Management-Let us keep your site up to date with our monthly posting service.Includes weekly postings of edited changes to pages and posting of new pages up to a maximum of 16 postings per month. ______$200.00/mo.

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